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Manually sync active directory across servers


I have stumbled upon a minor problem where some of my Group Policy created doesn’t sync across servers as fast as I need it to be during troubleshooting process. This KB will provide you with a step by step guide on how to manually sync your Active Directory across servers.


Open Command prompt and simply type the following code:

repadmin /syncall /AeD

This command will sync ITSELF to its domain controller partners.

But what does each command do? The following data explains what each code does:

This is the key string that calls the sync process.

repadmin /syncall

Below are the commands that can be used during the sync process.

A = All Partitions
e = Enterprise (Cross Site)
D = Identify servers by distinguished name in messages.

but what if you want to sync your active directory FROM the server that you have it configured on?

P = Push

So if you were to push changes FROM source, it will look like this instead:

repadmin /syncall /APeD


Now you have learned how to manually sync domain controller config across site, here is a neat command line that might be useful to you:

gpresult /R

What does it do? I’m gonna let you figure that one out.

Got a suggestion?

Send through your suggestions and I will try my best to create an article about it!